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Roles and Responsibilities

The Chinese believed that it was a sign of good luck and happiness if five generations were living together at one time. However far away a Chinese man had to go, he must always return to his family.

Rich Chinese ladies lived in their own rooms at the back of the house and must not come in contact with male strangers.

The boys are the family heirs and were highly regarded than girls.

Boys and girls can play together, but when they turn into teenagers, they were immediately separated.

Boys are considered adults at 20 and girls at 15.


Marriages were usually arranged by parents and friends.Young people were not allowed to meet and make their own choice because it was a strict rule that the younger ones must respect and obey the older people.

The wife must leave her family to go to her husband's after marriage.

Nearly every family, however poor, had servants that was bought or hired.

If a girl's fiancĂ© died, she was expected to look after the parents of her fiancĂ© and must not marry any other man.


This blog was made as a Grade 9 project. I do not update this blog anymore. However, feel free to use any of these for reference only. I have the list of resources on where I found the information on the Bibliography section of the blog. Thank you.

  © Ancient China by zybeel

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