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Monday, January 9, 2012


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Long River

  • The Long River (Chang Jiang) also known as "Yangtze River"

Yangtze is largest river in China and is the third longest in the world. The early people of China had great difficulty in crossing it so it was often used to border kingdoms in fierce battles. A lot of the dynasties of China had their capitals settled in Nanjing where the first bridge to cross Yangtze and the first strategic location was located.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Social Levels and Classes


1. The King is the head of the society. He was also the religious leader.

2. Nobles are the warrior leaders. The king's officials and most of the people that have a huge influence with the government, made up this class.

3. Commoners were made up of craftspeople and merchants.
  • Craftspeople are the ones that are skilled at making fine silk cloth, weapons, tools, jewellery, and pottery.
  • Merchants used rice or cowrie shells to pay for goods
4.  Farmers made up the largest number of people making the low class. They grew the food for the members of the society and were expected to have respect to the higher class.

5. Slaves made up of the prisoners of war and worked under the threat of being killed.

Specialization of Labour

  • Farming
Most Farmers were lent a plot of land by either the government or by a rich family who owned a land but they have to give landlords a large share of their produce.

Chinese Farming Calendar

  • Defence
Many North Asian tribes tried to look for opportunities to raid the empires. Thus, the First Emperor of China ordered all existing walls should be joined up into a single thick one. Thousands of men were ordered to do this huge task, resulting the death of many. This thick, long wall is now called "The Great Wall of China."

During the Han Dynasty, all fit men between the ages 23 and 56  had to serve in the army for two years. They were prepared to join it again in case of emergencies.

  • Iron Casting
When Iron was discovered in China, the Chinese started producing farming tools and weapons.

Early Iron Factory
The skillful Chinese methods of iron casting were not developed until much later.

Culture and Religion

  • Death
When a person died, his/her family gathered to mourn. Children were expected to mourn for their parents for three years. They would wear while clothing for mourning instead of black.

  • Beliefs
The Chinese believed that many spirits lived around us. The people then offered them foods and drinks.

They also worshiped gods who were responsible for different things.

Ancestors of the ancient Chinese nobility were the only ones who were worshipped, when the dead of the poor were not considered worthy of worship.

  • Writing
Chinese characters were developed from picture signs and were soon developed into less recognizable symbols.

Taoism and Yin and Yang
Religion in ancient China underwent a change around 600 BC in the form of establishment of the Eastern Chou Dynasty.  A mythical figure with the name of Lao Tzu created the religious philosophy of Taoism. The ancient people of China believed in the concept of Tao, the forces of nature. People in China in ancient times believed that everything in nature had two forces that were in contrast to each other: the yin and the yang.  The Yin was –female force and the Yang was the male force. 


This blog was made as a Grade 9 project. I do not update this blog anymore. However, feel free to use any of these for reference only. I have the list of resources on where I found the information on the Bibliography section of the blog. Thank you.

  © Ancient China by zybeel

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